Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Digipak Final Changes

I decided to get some more feedback from Sinead before handing in my final digipak. The feedback was helpful as I understood where Sinead was coming from when being critical about the digipak. The main thing she brought up was that the front panel is not as strong as the inside studio shots of the band members which I understood completely. I liked how the front and back panels were in colour as it brought some difference to the digipak rather to have it all black and white. I decided to keep the original images which were overlapped and duplicate them a few times so I could build up a unique design for the front panel. The front panel still has that ghostly effect but it has two images overlaying each other so it fills up the whole panel, I did not like before that the top quarter of the panel was just empty in comparison to the rest of the digipak being very full with images. I moved the band name and album name to the centre of the panel and I feel like it looks a lot better. 

I also included my CD design onto the digipak to demonstrate how it would look if it was to be produced. I also have a digipak design without it to show the studio image of Chris behind it. I really like how the disc is because the signatures on the drum skin brings a unique and collectable feel to it despite this being the band's first studio album.

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