Friday, 28 November 2014


After finishing our storyboard and animatic we decided to look into our storyboard more clearly to decide where we are filming all our shots. We are slightly concerned about getting our cast to all of these locations but we feel as if these locations would be perfect for the shots we have drawn in the storyboard. We have been given permission to go to Tile Kilns Wood, Liam messaged the land owner and told us he was happy for us to shoot on his land.

Tile Kilns Wood / Marwood house:
At Tile Kilns wood we will be shooting our chase scenes. Once the brothers and Brain get out of the car they will be in this location where Brain will be chased by the girl's brothers.

Jordan Murphy's house:
Jordan will be in the music video himself, he is part of the band and will be in the drama studio clips and perhaps even play one of the brothers. At his house we will be shooting the night before shots when Brain goes back to the girl's house after a night out. Then the following morning will be filmed in the house when the brothers return home and he runs out the door. The plan of Jordan's house is best suitable for filming, whereas the filming may of been a little awkward and cramped in one of our houses.

Drama Studio:
The drama studio will show the band performing the song. This is to include goodwin's theory of the band's image. They will be performing in a black studio room, the same one as we took our images for our digipak and poster from. The drama studio will be mainly used at the beginning of the music video and will be the location that we use the least.

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