Post modernism is the idea that media produces an idea that any media product is of any greater value than another, all judgements of value is just taste. It is also said to reflect modern society's feelings of alienation, history, process or sometimes truth. Philosophy on postmodernism such as Jean-Francois Lyotard argue that recent economic changes produced particular 'structures of feeling' or 'cultural logic'.
MTV believe that we now live in a 'three minute culture' or that we are part of an over-visual society (society of the spectacle) due to the television and the internet shortening people's attention spans today.
It could be used that is idea has implications for the realist forms of media, this is because our sense of reality is now said to be utterly dominated by popular media images and cultural forms can no longer 'hold up the mirror to reality'. It is believed that today reality itself is saturated by advertising, film, video games and television images.
It could be argued that celebrities such as Madonna or Michael Jackson are examples of postmodernism as they have created different identifies for themselves. I feel like this is an interesting way to look at postmodernism as it is usually iconic to art pieces, not a person.
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